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12 December 2024 at 1:20pm
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AVN Ann: Removal from Official List

AVN Ann: Final Director's Interest Notice

AVN Ann: Final Director's Interest Notice

AVN Ann: Final Director's Interest Notice

AVN Ann: Final Director's Interest Notice

AVN Ann: Final Director's Interest Notice

AVN Ann: Merger Successfully Implemented

AVN Ann: Suspension from Official Quotation

AVN Ann: Schemes Effective

AVN Ann: Appendix 4D

AVN Ann: HDN: HY22 Financial Results Presentation

AVN Ann: HDN: HDN Upgrades FY22 Proforma FFO and DPU

AVN Ann: Court Approval of Schemes (Second Court Hearing)

AVN Ann: Draft ATO Ruling Received and Timetable Update

AVN Ann: Change in substantial holding

AVN Ann: Second Court Date - update as to timing

AVN Ann: Notice of change of interests of substantial holder from HMC

AVN Ann: ATO Class Ruling - update as to timing

AVN Ann: General Meeting - Results

AVN Ann: General Meeting - Chair's Address and Presentation

AVN Ann: Indicative Election Results for HomeCo Scrip

AVN Ann: FIRB Approval Received in Relation to Proposed Merger

AVN Ann: Reminder - Scheme Booklet and Meetings

AVN Ann: HMC:Option Consideration

AVN Ann: Updated Information Regarding the Merger

AVN Ann: HDN: Proforma NTA Per Unit Increases by 14%

AVN Ann: Dividend/Distribution - AVN

AVN Ann: Strong Portfolio Valuation Gains and December Distributions

AVN Ann: Virtual Meeting Online Guide

AVN Ann: Postcard to Securityholders and Draft Proxy Form

AVN Ann: Court Approves Convening of Meetings to Consider Merger

AVN Ann: Change of Director's Interest Notice

AVN Ann: Application for quotation of securities - AVN

AVN Ann: Results of Annual General Meeting

AVN Ann: Chairman's Address to Shareholders

AVN Ann: FY22 Operational Update

AVN Ann: Application for quotation of securities - AVN

AVN Ann: HDN: Joint Sydney Property Tour

AVN Ann: Jobkeeper Payments Notification

AVN Ann: AVN FY21 Appendix 4G - replacement

AVN Ann: Appendix 4G

AVN Ann: AVN FY21 Sustainability Report

AVN Ann: AVN FY21 Annual Report

AVN Ann: AVN FY21 Notice of Annual General Meeting

AVN Ann: Becoming a substantial holder from HMC/HICT

AVN Ann: Becoming a substantial holder from HDN

AVN Ann: Becoming a substantial holder from HMC

AVN Ann: DRP Issue Price

AVN Ann: HDN: Merger to Create a Platform for Long Term Growth

AVN Ann: HMC:HMC Grows AUM to $5bn Following Prop.HDN Merger with AVN

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