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10 February 2025 at 11:55pm
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LCK Ann: Leigh Creek Energy is now known as NeuRizer

LCK Ann: Appointment of PwC as Strategic Debt Advisor

LCK Ann: Climate Active Certification Achieved

LCK Ann: Site Activity Commences

LCK Ann: Activity Notification received

LCK Ann: Appendix 3Y x 2

LCK Ann: Cleansing Notice

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Cleansing Notice

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Change in substantial holding

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Proposed issue of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: SPP and Placement Raises $2.9 Million

LCK Ann: 1H22 Financial Results

LCK Ann: Half Year Accounts

LCK Ann: Cleansing Notice

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: SPP Closes Monday at 5.00pm CDT

LCK Ann: Results of Meeting

LCK Ann: Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form

LCK Ann: Leigh Creek Urea Project Updates - Stage 1

LCK Ann: Change of Auditor

LCK Ann: Syngas Technology Patent Application

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Extension of Closing Date of SPP

LCK Ann: Notification of cessation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Carbon Neutral Status Achieved

LCK Ann: Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form

LCK Ann: Share Purchase Plan Offer Booklet

LCK Ann: Cleansing Notice

LCK Ann: Acquisition of the Mulpun ISG Project in Chile

LCK Ann: LCK Launches Share Purchase Plan

LCK Ann: Proposed issue of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Aboriginal Heritage Act authorisation granted

LCK Ann: Cleansing Notice

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Proposed issue of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Institutional Share Placement

LCK Ann: LCK exploring AdBlue opportunities from LCUP urea

LCK Ann: Strong Daelim-LCK Team

LCK Ann: Cleansing Notice

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Appendix 3Y x 2

LCK Ann: Notification regarding unquoted securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: Application for quotation of securities - LCK

LCK Ann: LCK Chairman interview by Korean TV Network

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